We’re sorry to report we’ve had to reschedule Greg Serras’s Oct. First Wed presentation to Feb, 7th, 2018. Unfortunately, with this short notice it means we won’t have an Oct. presentation. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Welcome to the Mill Valley Historical Society

The Old Mill, built by John Thomas Reed around 1836. MVN1328 – Courtesy of the Lucretia Little History Room, Mill Valley Public Library
This website serves to keep our members and visitors informed about the many activities as well as the extensive historical archives pertaining to and related to the history of Mill Valley, California. If you are not already a member of the Mill Valley Historical Society, whether you live in the area or not we warmly encourage you to go to the BECOME A MEMBER page and see what a yearly bargain it is to join.
We invite all those with an affection for Mill Valley to join and learn about the charming history of this little historic town at the base of Mount Tamalpais. Check the CALENDAR for past and upcoming events and programs. See the news posts below for the latest historical news about Mill Valley and Southern Marin. You can search the posts by the keywords that are listed on the sidebar. And please consider making a DONATION in support of our mission. We hope you enjoy your stay at www.mvhistory.org.
First Wednesday: February 2018- Gregg Sarris: Miwok Stories
First Wednesday: February – Gregg Serris: Miwok Stories
Part American Indian, Filipino, and Jewish, Greg Sarris was adopted at birth and raised in both Indian and white families. He is Chairman of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria and the Endowed Chair in Native American Studies at Sonoma State University. His books include Keeping Slug Woman Alive: Essays Toward a Holistic Approach to American Indian Texts (California, 1993), Watermelon Nights (1998), Grand Avenue (1994), and The Sound of Rattles and Clappers: An Anthology of California Indian Writing (1994).
Greg Sarris’s literary work defines those of us who live on this continent in new ways; his stories reflect the tragedy of exile, our painful separation from the land and from each other, and the radiant potential for reunion.
Greg Sarris is a renowned author, scholar, teacher, and Chairman, but his list of accomplishments extends much deeper. As a novelist he has brought inspiration, as a professor he has provided motivation, and as Chairman of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, he has instilled hope. Greg has fully dedicated his life to making an impact on the lives of those who helped set the foundation of his own life today. Tribal Chairman Greg Sarris has put forth efforts to restore and rebuild a community that will forever change the lives of many.
MVHS 40th Annual Members’ Meeting and Potluck Dinner
MVHS 40th Annual Members’ Meeting and Potluck Dinner
Featuring Guest Speaker Dick Spotswood
“Mill Valley in Motion-from Buckboards to Uber: horses, trains, hikers, autos, buses, taxis, bicycles and even a saltwater pier.”
Thursday Oct. 19, 2017
Mill Valley Community Center
Social Hour- 6:00 PM (Complimentary Wine and Beer)
Meeting- 7:30 PM
Speaker – 7:45 PM
We appreciate your contributions (by last name) as follows:
I-Q = Please bring a Dessert
A-H, R-Z = Please bring a Salad, Side, or Main Dish
RSVP by Oct 16 to:
By EMAIL or calling 415-388-1953.
Please bring your friends and neighbors. They can join the MVHS at the door.